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13 fev 2023

What Is Natural Language Understanding NLU ?

Por |13 de fevereiro de 2023|NLP Programming|0 Comentários

You can use the same NLP engine to build an assistant for internal HR tasks and for customer-facing use cases, like consumer banking. NLG is used for automating report generation, summarizing data, creating product descriptions,  generating text for social media, and many other uses. With advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, NLG is becoming more powerful and accurate. It has the potential to be used more widely in many fields to generate text with improved efficiently and accuracy. Natural Language Understanding Applications are becoming increasingly important in the business world. What [...]

13 fev 2023

What Is Natural Language Understanding NLU ?

Por |13 de fevereiro de 2023|NLP Programming|0 Comentários

You can use the same NLP engine to build an assistant for internal HR tasks and for customer-facing use cases, like consumer banking. NLG is used for automating report generation, summarizing data, creating product descriptions,  generating text for social media, and many other uses. With advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, NLG is becoming more powerful and accurate. It has the potential to be used more widely in many fields to generate text with improved efficiently and accuracy. Natural Language Understanding Applications are becoming increasingly important in the business world. What [...]