Participating in house chores like cleaning or preparing meals is a must, as also attending daily support meetings. Monitored homes can be like regular run single-family homes or apartments run by a senior Alcoholic ketoacidosis Information New York resident or house manager. The difference is that monitored homes have a paid clinical position. Residents must undergo drug screenings and house meetings like peer-run groups and adhere to house rules.

halfway house vs sober house

Because halfway houses are considered community-based correctional facilities, sanctions can be enforced, according to the National Institute of Justice. In some cases, offenders who break the rules can be returned to jail or prison. Sober homes are much more flexible, with a good combination of structure and freedom. Residents are allowed to come and go as they please throughout the day. They can get a job, attend counseling, attend support groups, and more.

Recovery House vs. Sober Livings vs. Halfway House

Sober living consequences may include asking a resident to leave if they have relapsed and jeopardizing others’ sobriety. They may also return them to inpatient treatment if the resident is willing. Primarily, the clients who benefit from halfway houses have spent previous time in jail or prison. They have been found guilty of a crime, have been incarcerated, and before they re-enter society as a law-abiding citizen, they are allowed to complete their sentence in a halfway house. For you to recover from substance or alcohol abuse and remain sober, it’s important to find a stable facility with zero chances of sabotaging your sobriety.

Oxford Houses provide a safe, supportive, and clean environment for people who are serious about staying in recovery. Some people live in an Oxford House for the first few years of their recovery because they truly enjoy the lifestyle. The organization promotes self-reliance and democracy within the house.

The Rules and Regulations of Sober Living Homes

If a treatment center owns a sober living home, the treatment center may hire staff in the home, but this is rarely a clinical staff member. Instead, this staff monitors compliance with rules and may transport residents to treatment, work, or the grocery store. Sober living homes rarely offer professional services within the home.5 Instead, most residents will stay in a sober living home while attending IOP or outpatient treatment. Sober living homes offer both roommate options as well as private rooms. Sober living homes tend to have more options for privacy because of their independent business model.

Some halfway houses, on the other hand, are run by government entities. Sober living homes are constructed more like private dwellings, providing residents with greater privacy and comfort. Consequences are necessary for any program where people are struggling to better themselves.